A-SIT Plus Wallet Issuing Backend (M5)

This service implements OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance to load attributes from the national E-ID of Austria (ID Austria) and transform them into credentials suitable for Wallet Apps. Credentials include EU PIDs in SD-JWT and Mobile Driving Licences in ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021 format, see the list of supported credentials.

Either use the URL of this service to load credentials (starting the wallet-initiated variation of OID4VCI), or login to generate a QR Code for a credential offer to start the issuer-initiated variation of OID4VCI.

Use username and password from ID Austria test credentials (or your national E-ID via eIDAS) to login at this service.

The OpenID metadata is available at .well-known/openid-configuration. The Credential Issuer metadata is available at .well-known/openid-credential-issuer.

For an overview, as well as downloads for the apps, see wallet.a-sit.at.